Wednesday, August 28, 2013

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Preparation for sowing of vegetable seeds

Period of germination of seeds of various crops

When you have to sow the seeds stored for several years, you should check their germination. Wet paper towel to spread a newspaper on a quarter of its lay out 50-100 computer. seeds, cover them swipe in the other end and put the seeds in a plastic bag, that is placed inside a dark place or cover with black cloth and kept at a temperature of 18-25 C from 7 to 16 days depending on the specific culture. Every single day, take out a napkin for a handful of minutes to ventilate, get rid of moldy and rotten seeds . The number of seeds, which gave standard seedlings, characterizes germination.

Terms of seed storage inside the house

To seed quality has not decreased, they has to be stored in dry, heated area with temperatures ranging from 5 to 20 C. Even a brief stay of seeds inside a damp, cold place, can sharply lessen their germination.

Elements vliyayushie on seed germination

To acquire a friendly plantlets great importance may be the right soil preparation, seed choice period, the depth of seed placement, moisture and soil temperature following planting, however it is particularly critical for the healthy sow the seeds. Most soils of heavy texture Kazakhstan readily swims following rain and irrigation, the dry surface of a dense, extremely hard crust, that is the raw seed sprouts can not penetrate. When exposed to seeds of various physical elements and chemicals can improve their viability, vitality and vigor, resistance to cold, drought, illness, accelerate flowering, ripening and increase productivity .

Sorting seeds

Typically big, well-made seeds give a friendly shoots and also the plants are undertaking far better. Sorting seeds krupnosemennyh crops (cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon, melon , peas, beans) are carried out manually, and small-seeded, for certain gravity: they are immersed in a vessel with 3-5% solution of potassium nitrate or potassium (sodium) salt, mix thoroughly and give a 4-5 min. Let stand, surfaced and poorly executed shrunken removed. Remaining in the bottom of a full-fledged seeds have been washed with water, dried and sown to flowability, or conduct further method.

When manually sorting emit not merely small, shriveled seeds, but additionally damaged, malformed, having a changed colour.

Heating the seed

The seeds of all crops respond properly to solar heating. Shortly ahead of planting them on a clear day spread within a thin layer of dark cloth or black paper inside a well lit by the sun, sheltered from the wind site and periodically stirred. Seeds of cucumber, zucchini , watermelon, pumpkin and melon heated within the sun for 2-3 days, other cultures - one particular day.

Decontamination of seeds

When warming not merely increases the speed of biochemical processes in germinating seeds, and by a partial decontamination them. The seeds of cabbage , peppers, eggplant is heated in water at a temperature of 48-50 C for 20-30 min., then for 2-3 min. immersed in cold water, then dried and sown. Against viral infections and some bacterial-and fungal ailments of seed therapy is used in a 1% answer of potassium permanganate (ten g, or 2 full teaspoons, 1 liter of water) for 20-30 min and in 0.1% formalin resolution (a teaspoon of 40% formalin for 1 liter of water) for 20 min followed by thorough rinsing with clean water.

Seeds and etched in TMTD, fentiurame, granozane and so forth. These substances are poisonous, and have to work with them meticulously. Use them in small doses (2-4 g per 1 kg of seeds). Etching "by eye" leads to a drastic reduction in germination, but really usually this use of specific drugs causes a full loss of seeds.

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